Monday, March 3, 2025


It Is All In The Headline: The Subtle Art Of Information Manipulation

By EU vs Disinfo Pro-Kremlin media are drumming up support for the Sputnik V vaccine by creating the perception that the European Medicines Agency (EMA)...

EEAS Special Report Update: Short Assessment Of Narratives And Disinformation Around The Covid-19 Pandemic...

By EU vs Disinfo Disclaimer: The objective of this report is to provide a snapshot overview of the current trends and insights into disinformation activities...

Pro-Kremlin Media As A Marketing Tool: Promoting Sputnik V Vaccine In Latin America

By EU vs Disinfo “Great marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell”, according to marketing gurus, and...

Kremlin Watch Briefing: Norway accused Russia of hitting parliament by the cyber-attack

Topics of the Week Russia accused of cyber-attacks on the Norwegian's parliament and the Japan Olympics. Facebook greatest source of Covid-19 disinformation, according to journalists. Kremlin's Current...

Six Real Sandworms And Fake Monkey Vaccines

By EU vs Disinfo First, some big news. On Monday the US Justice Department indicted six GRU officers working for Unit 74455. According to the Justice Department, the...

‘Film Your Hospital’ – the anatomy of a COVID-19 conspiracy theory

By Wasim Ahmed, for The Conversation It’s widely believed that social media conspiracy theories are driven by malicious and anonymous “bots” set up by shadowy...

Coronavirus And Conspiracies: How The Far Right Is Exploiting The Pandemic

By Blyth Crawford, for The Conversation Just as the global death toll from COVID-19 reached 250,000 at the start of May this year, a short...

Developer of Russia’s Sputnik V Falsely Claims that ‘the West’ is Foot-Dragging on a...

By Polygraph Kirill DmitrievCEO of Russian Direct Investments Fund“…Western vaccine manufacturers rely on experimental technologies, little-studied and untested over the long term, facing obstacles during...

Madagascar’s President Promised a Miracle Coronavirus Cure. It Didn’t Work

By Polygraph Andry RajoelinaPresident of Madagascar"Covid-Organics, improved traditional remedy based on artemisia & endemic plants, curative & preventive against #Covid19, is launched!”Source: Twitter, April 20,...

Skepticism, Not Sour Grapes, Defines West’s Reaction to Sputnik V

By Polygraph Sputnik NewsRussian state news outlet“On 11 August, Russia announced the world's first vaccine for COVID-19, named 'Sputnik V' … International observers detail why...