Monday, March 3, 2025


Sputnik: Coronavirus could be designed to kill elderly Italians

By EU vs Disinfo In a time that calls for international cooperation to fight a common threat, Kremlin mouthpiece Sputnik chooses to spread disinformation about COVID-19.  A Sputnik article published...

Disinformation can kill

By EU vs Disinfo There is only one priority now: all national, European, and international resources are focused on containing the COVID-19 outbreak. The virus...

People are getting a lot of coronavirus news from traditional media, but they trust...

By Hanaa Tameez, for NiemanLab The coronavirus pandemic continues to throw salt in the wound we journalists have about the public’s trust in news. The...

Combating ‘fake news’ in the time of COVID-19 in Myanmar

Source: Global Voices This edited article by Nan Lwin is from The Irrawaddy, an independent news website in Myanmar, and is republished on...

The great phony: F. Scott Fitzgerald’s fake quarantine letter

By Polygraph All across the Internet“Read the classics. This is a quarantine letter by F. Scott Fitzgerald, who was isolated in south of France...

Hitler Salutes in the Time of Coronavirus: StopFakeNews with Marko Suprun (No. 276)

Coronavirus fakes.

Fake: Ultra-Right Groups to Patrol Transport during Corona Virus Quarantine in Kyiv

This week the news site announced that ultra-right groups will be checking people’s documents in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv during the corona virus...

Fake: Ukraine’s Military Donbas Offensive Cancelled Due to Coronavirus

Pro-Kremlin media and local media in the Russian occupied parts of eastern Ukraine are busy spreading fakes claiming that coronavirus has spread among Ukraine’s...

Moscow’s territorial virus: Countering the Kremlin’s incapacitation of Ukraine

By Janusz Bugajski, for CEPA ​The recent announcement in Kyiv by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Chief of Staff that the government is willing to...

‘Russophobic’: Kremlin denies evidence of Russian COVID-19 disinformation campaign

By Polygraph Dmitry PeskovRussian Presidential Spokesman“It is about some groundless accusations. In fact, this Russophobic obsession could be expected to fade under the current...