Monday, September 23, 2024

Goodwill gestures and de-Nazification: Decoding Putin’s Ukraine War lexicon

By Peter Dickinson, for UkraineAlert Ever since Russian troops first crossed the Ukrainian border on February 24, the Kremlin has employed characteristically euphemistic language in...

Chased Into Europe’s Embrace

By EU vs Disinfo On 23 June 2022, the European Council granted candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova and expressed readiness to do the same for Georgia...

Fake: Ukraine’s Defense Minister Declares WWIII, Calls on West Not to Be Afraid to...

Russian propagandist media distorted the meaning of Ukrainian Defense Minister’s point. He did not declare WWIII, he said that it had already begun on...

Fake: Britons Want to End Ukraine Military Aid 

RIA Novosti has taken anonymous comments regarding a British edition Daily Mail story and presented them as the view of all of Britain. Several...

Fake: EU May Deport Ukrainians for Military Mobilization in Ukraine

Ukrainian citizens cannot be deported as they entered the European Union legally, forced into the move because of Russia’s invasion.  Russian media have been spreading...

Kremlin Watch Briefing: “Second Ukraine” in Moldova

THIS WEEK       Joke of the week Policy & Research Russian spies’ operationsThe underlying objective of the invasion U.S. Developments “Killer robots” are coming. Is the US ready for...

Eyes On The Suwalki Corridor

By EU vs Disinfo Recently, Russia shifted a part of its efforts to deceive global audiences about Lithuania. More precisely, the Suwalki Gap (also known...

Why Russia demonizes Ukrainian diasporas

By Vic Satzewich, Ivan Kozachenko, for The Conversation We’re now almost into the fifth month of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and one of the...

Through The Looking Glass In The Kremlin

By EU vs Disinfo The Kremlin’s inability to share the reality, and take a proper look in the mirror, cements Finland and Sweden’s decision to...

Fake: Ukrainian Orthodox Church Canonizes Assassinated Nationalist Leder Stepan Bandera

Orthodox Church of Ukraine representatives told StopFake that Stepan Bandera is not being canonized by their church and the document used to substantiate these...