Sunday, September 22, 2024

Weaponizing education: Russia targets schoolchildren in occupied Ukraine

By Oleksandr Pankieiev, for UkraineAlert Ukraine began a new academic year on September 1 with the country still engaged in a fight for survival against Russia’s...

Key Narratives In Pro-Kremlin Disinformation: “Nazis”

By EU vs Disinfo A defining feature of pro-Kremlin disinformation is its repetitiveness. For all the outrageous claims they make, pro-Kremlin outlets often sound like...

The Bewilderment of Kremlin Propagandists

By Olga Lautman, for CEPA The reaction to Russia’s defeats in Ukraine proves the old adage that victory has a hundred fathers, but defeat is...

Russia Can’t Stop Lying About U.S. Bioweapon Labs in Ukraine

By William Echols, for Polygraph Nikolai PatrushevRussian Security Council Secretary "During the special military operation , many facts were revealed confirming that such laboratories developed components...

Without You

By EU vs Disinfo Successful Ukrainian counteroffensive exposes cracks in Russian infosphere, but colonial attitudes and toxic hate speech still prevail inspiring more atrocities. The successful Ukrainian...

Muzzling the Watchdogs: Russia’s Media Crackdown

By Aliide Naylor, for CEPA Vladimir Putin says a former journalist’s 22-year sentence for alleged treason is “fair.” The Russian leader’s comments came on September 7,...

Pro-Kremlin Propaganda Running Out Of Gas

By EU vs Disinfo This week, the Kremlin finally showed its cards when spokesperson Dmitry Peskov admitted the obvious. Namely, that Russia’s gas supplies to the EU...

Fake: Poland “Preparing to Attack Russia” in the Next 10 Years

Poland has begun rearming its Armed Forces, not to "attack" Russia, but to protect itself against possible Kremlin aggression. In order to justify the Kremlin's...

Fake: Russian Military Atrocities in Hostomel are “Ukrainian Staged Video”

Russian propagandists are claiming a video depicting the making of the Ukrainian documentary film, Region of Heroes, is actually a staged Ukrainian video of...

Putin’s Fake: Huge Numbers of Ukrainians Hate the Kyiv Regime

Opinion polls conducted in Ukraine do not support Putin’s claims that Ukrainians hate their government. Most Ukrainians believe in Ukraine’s victory, support the Ukrainian...