Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Dangerous Case Of Nuclear Corners

By EU vs Disinfo The past ten days have been very busy for Russian disinformation outlets and their amplifiers throughout the pro-Kremlin disinformation ecosystem. On...

Burning Bridges, Breaking Contracts

By EU vs Disinfo Following Putin’s toxic and disinformation-laden speech last week, the main topics that have been reverberating through the pro-Kremlin disinformation ecosystem are ‘partial mobilisation’...

Back To The USSR? Russian TV On Referendums And Mobilisation

By EU vs Disinfo Watching Russian state TV is increasingly like entering a parallel world. The more tense the topics become – the referendums, military...

Fake: Ukrainian Refugee Draws Swastika in British Mall — Video

This video has been circulating online since at least December 2018, years before the migration crisis caused by Russia's open military aggression against Ukraine...

Pro-Kremlin Wikipedia alternative off to a rough start

By Eto Buziashvili and Andy Carvin, for @DFRLAb Member-only pages, restrictive content policies, and a lack of transparency: Runiversalis is a wiki in name only Runiversalis (руни.рф),...

«Дождь»: чи достатньо російському медіа бути проти війни, аби вважатися «хорошим»?

Джерело: Наталя Стеблина, для Детектора Медіа Ліберальний телеканал, який працює в еміграції, свідомо чи несвідомо відтворює проросійські наративи та стає майданчиком для  поширення кремлівської дезінформації. Хоч на...

Fake: US Planned Conflict and Energy Crisis in Europe – Rand Corp. Document

The RAND Corporation analytical center categorically denied the authenticity of the "document" circulated online.  Russian media are disseminating stories claiming the United States allegedly planned...

Mad Rush For Illegitimate Hold On Occupied Territories

By EU vs Disinfo Last week, our Disinformation Review covered the mad scramble of pro-Kremlin disinformation pundits to hide the scope and success of the Ukrainian counteroffensive...

Putin Scaremongering – A Quick Guide

By EU vs Disinfo Over the years, we have become accustomed to floods of Russian disinformation and manipulation. Since the Maidan in 2013, the illegal...

Russia-aligned hacktivists stir up anti-Ukrainian sentiments in Poland

By Givi Gigitashvili, for DFRLab Russian Telegram channels possibly linked to Ghostwriter amplified forged letters published by hacktivist assets On August 16, 2022, pro-Kremlin Telegram channel...