Saturday, September 21, 2024

Russia Finds a New Way to Survive Defeat

By Kseniya Kirillova, for Jamestown Foundation After the humiliating surrender of Kherson, Russian troops have produced no lasting military victories on the battlefield. Even the...

Fake: Ukraine Supplied Azerbaijan With Phosphorus Weapons

Since the autumn of 2020, baseless accusations against Ukraine for allegedly selling banned weapons to Azerbaijan have been spread without any evidence. Ukraine signed...

Lessons from the Cuban Missile Crisis: Putin is no Khrushchev

By Harlan Ullman, for UkraineAlert Whether history rhymes or not, with war raging in Ukraine and Russian pundits threatening direct nuclear attacks against the US,...

Throwing Mud At Everyone And Hoping Some Of It Sticks

By EUvsDisinfo Since 24 February of this year, Russia has gone all out in using its diplomatic network to push its disinformation narratives across different...

Putin’s invasion has strengthened the case for Ukrainian NATO membership

By Taras Kuzio, for UkraineAlert Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has underlined the security threat posed by the continued existence of a geopolitical gray zone on...

Putin’s peace ploy is a ruse to rearm

By Dennis Soltys, for UkraineAlert With Russia now clearly losing the war in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin is seeking a return to the negotiating table. For more...

Can the Kremlin Capture Russia’s Restless Ultra-Nationalists?

By Kseniya Kirillova, for CEPA Putin’s chef may once again be seeking to extend his remit. Russian opposition media suggests that Evgeny Prigozhin, the mercenary company...

Fake: UN General Assembly Legalizes Robbing Russia

The UN General Assembly resolution cannot oblige Russia to pay reparations to Ukraine. The main idea of the document is not to immediately confiscate...

The Little Tractor That Could

By EU vs Disinfo The Kremlin sent explosive commentary to the Bali summit as Kremlin troops continued their backwards advance. On November 15, Russian armed forces launched...

‘Blessed’ Are The ‘Evacuated’

By EU vs Disinfo The logic of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is absurd and thoroughly violent. The premise is that Russia’s ‘special military operation’ was...