Saturday, October 5, 2024

Fake: Chief Rabbi of Odessa Reported Fascism in Ukraine

Russian e-title "Voienno-Politicheskaia Povestka Dnia" published news about Chief Rabbi of Odessa and South Ukraine Abraham Wolf addressing citizens and asking them not to...

OSCE Representative Rebuts the Information about the Observers Abducted in Mariupol

May 6 press office of All-Ukrainian Committee «Nastup» reported OSCE observers abducted by unidentified persons in Mariupol. «As it became known, people in black masks...

The Press Secretary of Odesa Jewish Community Refutes the Information about Jews Being Evacuated...

May 5, 2014 website The Jerusalem Post reported that the Jewish community of Odesa is about to evacuate from the city. The author of...

Lie does not hurt

For me the biggest surprise in the current situation is rapid, I would even say instant, demoralization of our media. All who tried to...

Fake: Ukrainian National Guard Soldiers are Throwing Down the Bodies of the Killed Men

A video of allegedly Ukrainian soldiers barbarously throwing down the dead bodies from an armoured vehicle near Kramatorsk on May 3 2014 has appeared...

Fake: Nationalists Prevented Paramedic from Saving a Wounded

Social networks and mass media are spreading a post of some paramedic Igor Rozovskii from Odessa from his Facebook page. In his message, Rozovskii claims...

Fake: photograph with passports of the Russian casualties in Odesa

A photograph of the Russian passports allegedly owned by the casualties in the Trade Unions House of Odesa is being spread in social networks. In...

Lie from Tymoshenko: the police did everything possible to protect people in Odessa

Ex-Prime Minister and presidential candidate Yulia Tymoshenko, on May, 3rd - the next day after the bloody events in Odessa, which killed more than...

Russian military expert came up with arguments for the presence of Russian special forces...

Russian military expert Pavel Felgengauer is certain that disorders on the East of Ukraine are guided by soldiers of Russian special forces. He reasoned...

The Russian Presidential Council questioned the results of the Crimean referendum

The Russian Presidential Council on Civil Society and Human Rights published a report entitled "Problems of Crimean residents" in which, among other things, launched...