Friday, September 20, 2024

With Friends Like These

By EU vs Disinfo A year after Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the global community still stands steadfast in solidarity with Ukraine. The...

Fake: Kyiv Sending Children To War – video

StopFake located the video being circulated in Russian media claiming to show children being sent to the front. The video turned out to be...

Manipulation: British Military Expert Says Ukraine Can’t Retake Crimea

In his opinion piece for the British conservative Daily Telegraph newspaper, retired British Colonel Richard Kemp does not write that Ukraine "cannot seize Crimea."...

Fake: Ukrainian Soldiers’ Bodies Found in Polish Coal Mine Shafts

Russian news sites and Russian social media accounts are disseminating fakes claiming that the bodies of more than 500 Ukrainian soldiers were found in...

Fake: Ukrainian Authorities Planning to Mobilize Nuclear Plant Workers – Document

A “document” purporting to be an order for the mobilization of Ukraine’s nuclear plant workers is being disseminated online. The document is a fake...

A Russian Psychological Operation Pressures Moldova

By EU vs Disinfo Even if Russia’s military is fully occupied with its invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin’s psychological warfare is still pressuring Moldova. Recent...

Why Putin Cannot End His War Against Ukraine

By Ksenia Kirillova, for Jamestown Foundation Among the many terrible consequences of Russia’s full-scale aggression against Ukraine launched by Vladimir Putin a year ago, one...

‘Peace’ In The Service Of War

By EU vs Disinfo Worn-out disinformation tropes cannot disguise the cynicism and real intentions behind the Kremlin’s Special ‘Peace’ Operation. Last week marked one year since Russia launched...

Fake: Zelensky Urges Americans to Fight for Ukraine

An out of context excerpt from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s press conference is being circulated online by Russian and US social media users, claiming...

Fake: Zelensky’s Doppelgänger Spotted During Biden Visit Kyiv

In a video circulated by Russian media claiming it shows Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s double, the Ukrainian President is followed by his personal bodyguard,...