Monday, September 23, 2024

Manipulation: Ukrainian Sailors Threaten to Return to Crimea

On April 18 RIA Novosti, Argumenty I Fakty, PolitNavigator, Moskovskyi Komsomolets and other Russian media disseminated a story claiming that Ukrainian sailors who left...

Disinfo News: The “Troll” That Went Public

By Polyghaph It seems that not only were rumors of Ian56's (@Ian56789) Twitter "death" (suspension) on Thursday exaggerated, but on Friday afternoon the world became acquainted...

Fake: The Central Communication Port is being created to allow quick transfer of US...

Russian Information Agency “Sputnik” bring out the statement that the construction of the Central Communication Port (CPK) in Poland is meant to allow quick...

OPCW Has UN Authorization to Inspect Alleged Chemical Attack Site

Sergei Ryabkov Russian Deputy Foreign Minister "Everything rested on the absence of UN Secretariat security department approval for a visit by OPCW experts to the site...

Russian Social Media Influence: Understanding Russian Propaganda in Eastern Europe

By Todd C. Helmus, Elizabeth Bodine-Baron, Andrew Radin, Madeline Magnuson, Joshua Mendelsohn, William Marcellino, Andriy Bega, Zev Winkelman, for RAND A RAND Corporation study examined Russian-language content on social media and the broader...

Manipulation: Germany Asks US to Ease Russia Sanctions

Last week RIA Novosti, RT, NTV and other Kremlin faithful Russian media announced that Germany will ask the US to exempt it from US...

Kremlin-friendly election observers from Europe and US at the presidential elections in Russia, March...

By European Platform for Democratic elections Executive summary 1513 foreign electoral observers monitored the Russian 2018 presidential election which constitutes the largest foreign electoral monitoring mission...

Sputnik and Zvezda falsely claim Hitler’s Mein Kampf is more popular than Harry Potter...

By Polygraph Sputnik News and Zvezda “In Latvia, Hitler has become more popular than Harry Potter.” Source: TV Zvezda, Sputnik News FALSE Latvian booksellers are unloading old copies of...

Portraits of Europe on Russian TV: “Mother Nature is punishing immoral EU countries”

By EU vs Disinfo EU countries are a favourite subject on Russian state TV. Every evening, the ‘gospel’ is watched for hours on end by millions...

Kremlin Watch Briefing: Mark Zuckerberg’s congressional testimony

Topics of the Week How do Estonian intelligence service assess the threat the Kremlin poses to Estonian national security? Read about Mark Zuckerberg’s congressional testimony. New US sanctions are hitting...