Sunday, September 22, 2024

NTV goes to Denmark: a story about backfire

By EU vs Disinfo Located in the far Western corner of the Baltic Sea, Denmark does not appear very often on the radar of the...

Fake: Ukraine Leads In Human Rights Violations

This week Russia’s Foreign Ministry criticized the latest annual US State Department Human Rights report as an “opus full of Russophobic stereotypes” filled with...

Kremlin Watch Briefing: British Parliament moves toward a more coordinated investigation

Topics of the Week British Parliament moves toward an effective and comprehensive investigation of Russian influence, setting an example for other national parliaments to expose and...

Fake: Ukraine to Become Nuclear Waste Dump

On April 17 proposed legislation on improving the management of radioactive waste was given its first reading in the Ukrainian parliament. That very same...

China Central Television backs Russian version of the Syrian crisis, saying chemical attacks were...

By Oiwan Lam, for Global Voices Days after the United States, the United Kingdom and France launched airstirkes in Syria in response to the suspected use...

The week in Russian media: threats of annihilation

By EU vs Disinfo An odd but not surprising theme appeared in Russian media during this week. Whereas threatening with the possible use of nuclear...

Anatomy of a Russian chemical weapons lab lie

If Moscow wants its Syrian allies to skirt the blame for chemical attacks, they’re going to have to come up with some better evidence...

Fake: Ukraine Recognizes It Cannot Return Crimea

Following in the footsteps of last week’s fake claiming that Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko plans to deny Ukrainian citizenship to all those who were...

StopFake #180 with Marko Suprun

Fake: President Porosenko wants Crimeans to be deprived of Ukrainian citizenship; Germany wants out of Russia sanctions; Ukrainian sailors threaten to return to Crimea;...

Fake: President Poroshenko Proposes Crimeans be Deprived of Ukrainian Citizenship

This week the usual suspects – TASS, RIA Novosti,, RT, announced that Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko intends to deprive  of Ukrainian citizenship...