Sunday, September 22, 2024

Putin Promises to ‘Expand Space of Freedom’ for Youth, But It’s Conditional

By Polygraph Vladimir Putin President of Russia “I am counting here on new ideas and approaches, on the boldness of our young people, on their ability to...

At his inauguration, Putin proclaims peace and prosperity, both are elusive

By Polygraph Vladimir Putin President of the Russian Federation I believe that it is my duty and the meaning of my entire life to do everything for...

Moscow: Crimea is Russian, UN: It is occupied territory

By Polygraph Alexander Domrin Alexander Domrin, Professor of International Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow “Up to this point, it (Crimea) has been perceived...

#PackOfLies: A party without results?

The Baltic presidents’ visit to the US has received special attention from the Kremlin-supported media in order to show that nothing serious has happened....

Sanctions on Russian aluminum do no harm to a US automaker, despite Russian claim

By Polygraph Alexis Rodzianko President and CEO of the American Chamber of Congress in Russia “If Rusal doesn’t deliver this metal (aluminum) to America … then producing...

#PackOfLies: Gathering of radicals in the occupied Crimea

Yale historian Timothy Snyder in his latest book “The Road to Unfreedom” calls Kremlin’s politics schizofascism. By accusing everyone of fascism Kremlin is actually...

Russia uses fake rape stories to create hostility to NATO troops

By Lukas Andriukaitis, for Integrity Initiative The current Russian information warfare comes in many shapes and forms. Some of the methods involve highly contemporary technology,...

Filter bubbles are only part of the problem

By Deen Freelon, for Trust, Media and Democracy Why we need to think about truth and legitimacy when consuming news, & the three-dimensional filter map that helps Americans today...

How artificial intelligence can detect – and create – fake news

By Anjana Susarla, for The Conversation When Mark Zuckerberg told Congress Facebook would use artificial intelligence to detect fake news posted on the social media site, he...

Thanking Putin, Serbian president claims Serbs ‘Suffered the most’ in Balkan conflict

By Polygraph Aleksandar Vučić President of Serbia "As you know, nothing in international relations lasts shorter than gratitude, and I would like to thank you once again...