Sunday, September 22, 2024

New York State Senate welcomes Russian propagandists

By Sarah Hurst (@XSovietNews), for StopFake It is absurd enough that Russia organises “Immortal Regiment” marches all over the world in early May, but the...

Anti-Western propaganda, 2017

By  the Media Development Foundation (MDF), Myth Detector This report is the analysis of the results of a-year-long monitoring conducted by the Media Development Foundation (MDF) throughout 2017....

Fake: Ukrainian Military Suffer Losses in Eastern Ukraine

This week Russian media were awash with stories claiming the Ukrainian military had suffered heavy losses while trying to further their positions in the...

Kremlin Watch Briefing: British intelligence chief names and shames the Kremlin for its hostile...

Topics of the Week n his first ever international public appearance, British intelligence chief Andrew Parker explicitly named Russia as “chief protagonist” in the campaign to...

Ex-BBC manager at Sputnik sees no evil

By Sarah Hurst (@XSovietNews), for StopFake Nikolai Gorshkov started his career as a protocol officer for the State Committee for Science and Technology of the...

Figure of the Week: 50

By EU vs Disinfo A falsified news report accuses a pro-European Moldovan politician of offering to lease Chisinau to the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi...

StopFake #183 with Marko Suprun

Fake: US bans 155 Ukrainian imports due to country’s political situation; Kyiv breaks talks on prisoner exchange with occupied territories; University of turin recognizes...

As Russia’s government effort to ban Telegram falters, digital activists are pranking the censorship...

By Christopher Moldes, for Global Voices Russia's so-called “Digital Resistance” has struck out against the country's internet blacklist, an ever-growing list of websites censored by the...

Transatlantic Commission to Focus on Election Meddling

By VoA News An international commission has formed to try to end meddling in elections in Western democratic nations by Russia and other autocratic countries. The...

You see it, you buy it: Just being exposed to fake news makes you...

By Laura Hazard Owen, for Nieman Lab The growing stream of reporting on and data about fake news, misinformation, partisan content, and news literacy is hard...