Sunday, September 22, 2024

Investigators: Russian Military Downed Malaysian Flight

By VOA News An international team of investigators says it has identified the Russian military brigade responsible for launching a missile that brought down a...

Figure of the Week: 5

By EU vs Disinfo Polish authorities issue 5-year entry bans against five alleged Russian ‘information war’ operatives involved in stoking Polish-Ukrainian animosity. According to the public...

Everyone Against Russia: Conspiracy Theories on the Rise In Russian Media

By EU vs Disinfo There has been a significant increase in the appearance of conspiracy theories in Russia over the past seven years. A new study shows...

Can The U.K. Label Any Foreign Investment as ‘Dirty Money?’

By Polygraph Dmitry Peskov Russian Presidential Press Secretary "Investors from any country can face a situation after such actions of the United Kingdom, when their investments will...

Putin: High Treason Charges Against Journalists “Unprecedented.” Russian Journalist: “Putin Lies”

By Polygraph Vladimir Putin President, Russia “That is an unprecedented thing. They are attempting to bring high treason charges against a person for what he did publicly...

Kremlin Watch Briefing: British MPs Want a Stronger Government Effort in Shutting the London...

Kremlin Watch Report Kremlin Watch Report: Czech deputies and senators regularly travel to Eastern Ukraine and Crimea, the regions that are suffering from the conflict...

#PackOfLies: Who’s the best at holding the front line?

In the context of major election campaigns, resonant events such as Sergei Skripal’s poisoning and the Western preparation for important military steps, the armies...

RT’s Scottish stars face investigation

By Sarah Hurst (@XSovietNews), for StopFake Russia’s RT UK channel is now facing 11 investigations from media watchdog Ofcom, following the announcement of the latest...

Russophobia: How Russia Exploits Western Values For Its Propaganda

By Paula Chertok Hardly a day goes by without someone from the Kremlin accusing the West of anti-Russia “frenzy,” “hysteria” or “Russophobia.” Whether the subject...

Fake: NATO Soldiers Killed in Donbas

Scores of Russian media reported that on May 17 three NATO soldiers were killed in the Donbas conflict. NTV,, RIA Novosti, Russia’s Defense...