Sunday, September 22, 2024

Disinformation Resilience in Central and Eastern Europe

By Ukrainian Prism Download the publication The countries of Eastern and Central Europe have become Russia’s test field for new propaganda methods, and the regions of...

Kremlin Watch Briefing: Is the staged murder of Arkadiy Babchenko a success story?

The Prague Manual Funded by the International Visegrad Fund, The Prague Manual (1) describes the toolkit of Russian subversion operations in Europe, (2) comes up...

Smile! You’re on Russian State TV

By EU vs Disinfo A smile was apparently added to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s facial expression in a Sunday night show broadcast on 3 June by...

The death and resurrection show; Babchenko’s staged murder and bias against Ukraine

By Stephen Komarnyckyj, for Byline When Ukraine staged a murder to save a journalist it was vitriolically attacked while Russia, which commissioned his murder, was...

Paris wants tools to fight against the disinformation

Source: AFP France is the next country willing to fight against the wave of false information by introducing new laws. However, as always in the...

WhatsApp is a black box for fake news. Verificado 2018 is making real progress...

By Laura Hazard Owen, for NiemanLab The growing stream of reporting on and data about fake news, misinformation, partisan content, and news literacy is hard to...

Manipulation: Dutch Foreign Minister Does Not Exclude Kyiv’s Involvement in MH17 Downing

Scores of major Russian media declared last week that the Netherlands were not ruling out Ukraine’s responsibility in the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight...

Retracing the steps of a disinformation campaign

By EU vs Disinfo 2018 has already seen several clear examples of the ongoing pro-Kremlin disinformation campaign. First came the disinformation surrounding the Skripal poisoning, then...

Russian disinfo patterns: same actors, different sets

By Lukas Andriukaitis, Vilnius Institute for Policy Analysis, special for StopFake The dark arts of disinformation has many different shades. Have you ever had the...

World Cup Awareness: Five Things Worth Knowing About Propaganda in Russia

By EU vs Disinfo Millions of Russians look forwards to welcoming visitors from across the globe to the 2018 FIFA World Cup. They will proudly...