Saturday, September 21, 2024

Figure of the Week: 10,000

By EU vs Disinfo Russian television viewers were recently told that Ukraine is solely responsible for all the casualties in the country’s war-torn east. The groundless accusation was...

Decline in public’s trust may prompt Putin to launch new attacks abroad, Yury Gudkov...

By Paul Goble, Window on Eurasia New Levada Center polls show that Russians are less trusting of Vladimir Putin and other senior leaders including Dmitry...

Russian arms manufacturer leads gullible citizens of “space nation”

By Sarah Hurst (@XSovietNews), for StopFake The “space nation” of Asgardia attracted global headlines last month when its “Head of Nation”, 54-year-old Igor Ashurbeyli, was...

Fake: EU Financial Aid for Ukraine in Exchange for Migrants

Last week Russian media returned to a favorite disinformation theme with a story claiming the EU and Ukraine were negotiating the settlement of African...

Russian Journalists Fight Back Against Disinformation

By EU vs Disinfo Factory of Lies is the name of a new television documentary introducing a number of journalists who have uncovered the hidden processes of the...

The strategy and tactics of the pro-Kremlin disinformation campaign

By EU vs Disinfo Introduction East Stratcom was established in 2015 to “address Russia’s ongoing disinformation campaigns”, through (i) more effective communication and promotion of policies...

StopFake #190 with Marko Suprun

Fake: Ukrainian rock star calls for destruction of current rule in Ukraine; Economi disaster awaiting Ukraine. Video manipulation makes sure you truly can’t believe...

Russian Ambassador’s claim to Albania: no “aggressive plans” – belied by actions

By Polygraph Alexander Karpushin Russian Ambassador to Albania “he main objectives of Russia here are the building of economic cooperation with mutual benefits and the maintenance of...

Americans may appreciate knowing when a news story is suspect, but more than a...

Plus: Facebook fights fake news in Mexico ahead of the election, and a large majority of Republicans believe that social media platforms are censoring...

Russian Defense Ministry’s Latest #MH17 Denial — ‘a Lie, Pure and Simple’

By Polygraph Russian Defense Ministry “Not a single anti-aircraft missile system of the armed forces has ever crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border.” Source: TASS, June 27, 2018 FALSE Russian ownership...