Friday, September 20, 2024

StopFake #195 with Marko Suprun

Donbas talks on prisoner exchange collapse because of Ukraine; Ukraine will not sign declaration prohibiting torture in Donbas; Crimeans who left after the Russian...

Maria Zakharova Claims Ignorance of Slain Journalists’ Activities

By Polygraph Maria Zakharova Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson "I don't even know who sent them there. I don’t know whether they represented the media or a public...

Disinfo News: Moldova ‘Most Exposed’ to Russian Propaganda in Eastern Europe

By Polygraph Tucked in between Ukraine and Romania, near the Black Sea, the Republic of Moldova continues to push away from its Soviet past. Most...

Reporting the Topic by Avoiding the Topic

By EU vs Disinfo That press freedom is limited in Russia comes as no surprise. The situation is described as ‘difficult’ by Reporters without Borders...

Fake: Crimeans who Left the Peninsula after Russian Annexation Returning Home

Crimeans, who massively left the peninsula after it was annexed by Russia in 2014, are beginning to return home, announced Grigoriy Ioffe, the chairman...

Russian Journalists Murdered in Africa — What Russia Does Not Say

By Polygraph Maria Zakharova Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson “There is nothing sensational about the presence of Russian instructors in the CAR, no one was hiding anything. Back...

NATO isn’t planning to break up Russia

By Polygraph RT Russian state-owned media outlet “The head of the Russian Lower House Committee for Eurasian Integration says the recent proposal to split Russia into several...

#PackOfLies: Back to the Stalinist past

On the 30th of June, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed a decree by which he renamed a few military units and divisions...

“Known but not discussed”: Low-income people aren’t getting quality news and information. What can...

“There is no Wirecutter for low-income individuals.” Fiona Morgan and Jay Hamilton talk about their research into information ecosystems and the media market. By Christine Schmidt,...

Figure of the Week: 25

By EU vs Disinfo Over the last couple of years, online disinformation has risen on the international scene as an ever-growing problem. At the forefront of the battle for...