Friday, September 20, 2024

Malaysia cancels „lex anti-fake”

Much is being said about more countries planning or already introducing laws meant to fight against false information in media. Meanwhile new Malaysian government...

#PackOfLies: To disentangle from Kremlin’s cobweb of lies. The case of Georgia

By Vilnius Institute for Policy Analysis, for StopFake Kremlin’s propaganda is spreading lies in Georgia that September 11 attacks were perpetrated by the US government...

Kremlin Watch Briefing: New ranking of countermeasures by the EU28 to the Kremlin’s Subversion...

NEW PUBLICATION 2018 Ranking of Countermeasures by the EU28 to the Kremlin's Subversion Operations. This report, which builds on the Overview of Countermeasures by the EU28 to...

„Sputnik’s” manipulation: Are Ukrainians in Poland slaves?

Manipulation is not only a 100% false information. It includes also ambiguities, half-truths and selective quotes or showing them in the wrong context. In such...

We researched Russian trolls and figured out exactly how they neutralise certain news

Xymena Kurowska, Aberystwyth University et Anatoly Reshetnikov, Central European University Russian “troll factories” have been making headlines for some time. First, as the Kremlin’s digital...

Manipulation: Ukraine Supplying Weapons to China behind America’s Back

Ukraine is cooperating with China in the military sector ignoring its strategic partnership with the United States - that is the gist of a...

Fake: Turkey Crisis, IMF and Ukraine’s National Bank Collapse Ukrainian Currency

The imminent collapse of Ukraine’s national currency the hryvnia and everlasting Ukrainian financial instability are two favorite themes for Russian media fakes and manipulation....

Fakes in the museum. Since Charles II to Russian bots

In the Boone County History and Culture Center museum in the American state of Columbia the exhibition "The History of Fake News (and the...

StopFake #197 with Marko Suprun

Fake: Ukrainian children forced to play with stuffed Hitler doll. Ukrainians don’t support ending trains to Russia. Uncertainty over fake news growing.

5 ways to identify a bot (also a Russian one)

There are no better experts in fighting against fake news and disinformation than Americans. No wonder. They are wise after the event – for...