Thursday, September 19, 2024

2018 Ranking of countermeasures by the EU28 to the Kremlin’s subversion operations

By European Values This report is a follow-up to the Overview of countermeasures by the EU28 to the Kremlin’s subversion operationsconducted by the European Values Think-Tank and...

‘Fake news’ is in the eye of the beholder: China is centralizing efforts to...

By Oiwan Lam, for Global Voices A new state-run platform is now centralizing efforts to stop online “rumors” in China. This is a significant step for China, where any...

Russian trolls exiled from Guardian find home for their hate

By Sarah Hurst (@XSovietNews), for StopFake Among the various English-language promoters of Russian propaganda, a website called OffGuardian drew attention to itself recently by praising...

StopFake #199 with Marko Suprun

Kyiv to poison Donbas water supply and blame Russia. Oleh Sentsov star on Hollywood Walk of Fame. Czech Republic does not want to admit...

Fake: Hryvnia Will Collapse

Scores of Russian media featured stories last week claiming Ukraine’s currency the hryvia will soon collapse., Rambler, Narodnyi Korrespondent all cite the Kharkov...

How Russian Media Spun Pro-Russian Militant Zakharchenko’s Death

The death of Alexander Zakharchenko, the leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic as a result of a blast at a coffee shop in...

Fake: Oleg Sentsov Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame

Russian social media was abuzz with stories on August 27 featuring a photograph on the Hollywood Walk of Fame bearing the name of Ukrainian...

Lavrov: West is blocking chemical weapons inspections in Syria — Not True

By Polygraph Sergei Lavrov Russian Foreign Minister Commenting on the chemical attack that allegedly took place on Syrian territory, Lavrov noted that ‘such situations have happened in...

Countering information influence activities: A handbook for communicators

By RIB-Meny The handbook aims to assist and support communication specialists in public administration to identify, analyse and counter information influence activities in order to...

Is there really data that heavy Facebook use caused…erm, is correlated with…erm, is linked...

Plus: Does all our yammering about fake news make people think real news is fake? By Shan Wang, for NiemanLab The growing stream of reporting on...