Thursday, September 19, 2024

Figure of the Week: 50

By EU vs Disinfo French government think tanks have issued 50 recommendations to combat “information manipulations.” The recommendations are part of an exhaustive new study published by the...

Edward Lucas: Threads of the past

By Edward Lucas, for CEPA Edward Lucas seams together a Soviet chic garment and the Kremlin’s inability to deal honestly with history. Nazi memorabilia is not...

Russian propaganda fakes ‘praise for Hitler’ by Ukrainian Speaker Parubiy

By Halya Coynash, for Human Rights in Ukraine Russia has been caught brazenly fabricating a ‘scandal’ around invented praise of Adolf Hitler by Andriy Parubiy,...

Russian Police Say the Election Day Was ‘Calmest,’ After Clamping Down on Country-wide Protests

By Polygraph Ministry of Internal Affairs (Police), Russia “In general, the situation during the united Election Day remained calm.” Source: RIA-Novosti, September 9, 2018 FALSE Scores detained during the...

StopFake #200 with Marko Suprun

Fake: France recognizes Donetsk People’s Republic. Ending trade with Russia is killing Ukraine’s economy. Russian lies about the accident at the Crimean Titan chemical...

Russian Humor or Honest Confession? RT Admits it is Kremlin’s Propaganda Bullhorn

By Polygraph RT Russian information agency “The president of France slanders us because we slander him.”... “The longer you watch, the more upset Hillary Clinton becomes.” Source: RT...

Accident at the Crimean Titan Chemical Plant: Fifty Shades of Official Russian Lies

"There is no danger", "everything is under control," "atmospheric pollution is at permissible levels", "there are no health hazards" -  Crimean occupation authorities are...

“Not the murderer, but the murdered is guilty!”

By EU vs Disinfo As our favourite parody account Darth Putin frequently reminds us, one of the most repeated disinformation tactics is to accuse your counterpart...

Russian influence in the media sectors of the Black Sea countries

By Center for the Study of Democracy The report explores Russia’s corporate presence and influence in the media sectors of five Black Sea countries (Bulgaria,...

What approaches are in play for fighting misinformation? Let us count the ways

By Nancy Watzman, Katie Donnelly, And Jessica Clark, for NiemanLab In March 2017, the Knight Foundation, Democracy Fund, and the Rita Allen Foundation hosted a...