Thursday, September 19, 2024

Fake: Kyiv Lacks Money to Pay Pensions in Occupied Territories

Kyiv can’t pay pensions to people in the Luhansk and Donetsk occupied territories because of lack of funds, declared Russian and separatist media this...

Fake: IMF Policies Deprive Ukrainians of their Land

“The people will be left without land” is one of Moscow’s favorite scare narratives about International Monetary Fund policies in Ukraine. This week saw...

Fake: Hungarian Foreign Minister Threatens Ukraine with NATO Troops

This week several Ukrainian and Russian sites disseminated fakes claiming that the Hungarian foreign minister threatened Ukraine with NATO troops. In reality Hungary’s Foreign...

Fake: Ukrainian President’s Wife Finds True Ukrainian Identity Only in the US

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s wife Marina allegedly said that true Ukrainian identity is found in the United States. This claim was disseminated by the...

The Disinformation Maps Aimed at Tearing Our World Apart

By EU vs Disinfo With a quick move, the camera zooms in on the map of Ukraine. One by one, pieces of Ukrainian territory get...

Skripal Suspect Boshirov Identified as GRU Colonel Anatoliy Chepiga

By Bellingcat Investigation Team Bellingcat and its investigative partner The Insider – Russia have established conclusively the identity of one of the suspects in the poisoning...

Fake: Protective Levee on Ukrainian Territory Damaged

Scores of Russian media reported this week that a levee on Ukrainian territory separating lake Sivash from an acid waste accumulator facility belonging to...

Figure of the Week: 20

By EU vs Disinfo Facebook is opening a “War Room” to protect elections from disinformation attempts on the social network. Scheduled to become operative on 24 September, the...

Russian TV host calls war on Georgia Moscow’s ‘operation for enforcement of peace’

By Polygraph Vladimir Solovyov Russian TV talk show host “It was an operation for the enforcement of peace.” Source: Rossiya 1, September 23, 2018 FALSE It was a war. Vladimir...

Russian election meddling in the US and beyond

By EU vs Disinfo On Thursday 20 September 2018, the US targeted 33 individuals and entities with sanctions over interference in the American Presidential election in 2016. This...