Monday, September 16, 2024

Figure of the Week: 136,000

By EU vs Disinfo A court in Finland has ordered three pro-Kremlin trolls to pay 136,000 euros in damages for harassing and slandering Jessikka Aro,...

TOP 3 ways to spread disinformation about military exercises

By EU vs Disinfo Western military exercises are an obvious target for the pro-Kremlin disinformation campaign that aims to undermine the public’s trust in EU...

Putin Downplays Size of U.S. Economy to China’s Favor — Facts Show Otherwise

By Polygraph Vladimir Putin President of the Russian Federation “In terms of volume, the Chinese economy has already become larger than the U.S. economy.” Source: RIA Novosti MISLEADING Putin erroneously...

Fake: Majority of Ukrainians Consider Donbas Conflict a Civil War

In a tried and true manner pro-Kremlin site distorted the words of a European political analyst to declare that the majority of Ukrainians...

Fake: Ukrainian Deputy Minister Wants to Return Crimea with the Help of the Army

Ukraine’s Deputy Minister for Information Policy Emine Jepar wants to return Russian-annexed Crimea to the Ukrainian using the Ukrainian Army declared Russian media this...

Disinfo Analysis: The ‘art of fake news’ – How independent Moldovan media fight Russian...

By Polygraph Millions of Moldovans were glued to their TV screens watching with increasing panic the news from neighboring European countries about a “massive” wave...

Disinforming with a pot on your head

By EU vs Disinfo Modern digital technology can make it almost impossible to discern disinformation from facts. For example, computer games now look so authentic that Russian state...

What have tech companies done wrong with fake news? Google (yep) lists the ways

By Laura Hazard Owen, for NiemanLab The growing stream of reporting on and data about fake news, misinformation, partisan content, and news literacy is hard...

Tolstoy’s Resurrection

By EU vs Disinfo Ukrainian language is artificial, as are Ukraine’s borders. In fact, Ukrainians are just Russians. These statements do not come from a “troll”...
Фейк: Крым побил рекорд постсоветского периода по количеству туристов

Fake: Crimea Beats Record Post-Soviet Records for Number of Tourists

Taking stock of this year’s vacation season in Russian-annexed Crimea, Moscow’s occupation authorities declared that the 2018 season beat all post-Soviet records with more...