Thursday, September 19, 2024

COVID-19 Budget Theft: StopFakeNews with Marko Suprun (No. 282)

Coronavirus funds diverted to support patriotic cinema in Ukraine. Fines for planting potatoes during COVID-9 pandemic. Ukraine preparing to stop gas transit in 2021....

Pro-Kremlin site declares remdesivir a failure, links to bogus lab conspiracy

By Keti Mskhiladze, for Polygraph News Front Georgiaa pro-Kremlin news site“The first clinical trial on remdesivir, an experimental medication by the company Gilead Sciences, which...

Russian radicals turn Trump into a hero of the “Holy War”

By Kseniya Kirillova, for Byline Times Kseniya Kirillova explores how the more extreme Coronavirus conspiracy theories emanating from Russia are created for export to US...

Is this photo of Kim Jong Un’s funeral real? No!

By Polygraph ingwithina Twitter user“The Supreme Leader of North Korea - Kim Jong Un has died. In pic here”Source: Twitter, April 25, 2020FALSEThe picture appears...

EEAS special report update: short assessment of narratives and disinformation around the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic...

By EU vs Disinfo Note: The objective of this report is to provide a snapshot overview of the current trends and insights into disinformation activities...

Flattening the curve

By EU vs Disinfo Are Pro-Kremlin Disinformation Outlets Disenchanted with the Coronavirus? The COVID-19 outbreak is still the dominating topic in the pro-Kremlin disinformation ecosystem, and...

Photo Fake: Execution Team Leaving Ukraina Hotel

The execution team leaving the Ukraina Hotel under the leadership of Parubiy, February 2014 – that is the caption of a photo that is...

Fake: Ukraine’s Neptune Cruise Missile Fails Testing

The pro-Kremlin Russian website Tsargrad announced in early April that Ukraine’s Neptune cruise missile had proven to be a complete failure during its test...

Russia seasons escalating Trump-Iran tensions with disinfo

By Polygraph SputnikRussian government news agency"On the night of January 8, Iran launched a missile strike on the American military infrastructure in Iraq. The number...

Kremlin creating a syncretic religion combining state-controlled Orthodoxy and a neo-pagan Victory cult, Eidman...

By Paul Goble, Window on Eurasia The appalling revelation that the faces of Vladimir Putin, Sergey Shoygu, Joseph Stalin, and Putin’s “little green men” of...