Polish servicemen are not and will not be involved in the Ukrainian mobilization process. Russian propaganda created another fake aimed at discrediting the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the country’s mobilization campaign, using the design style of the Ukrainian multimedia platform United24.

The false information that Polish military personnel will now supervise Ukraine’s mobilization campaign has been spread by Kremlin-linked Telegram channels and social media users. Propaganda claims that the United24 platform published a video with this information.

The fake video claims that Territorial Recruitment Centers (TCCs) are already «47% staffed by Polish military personnel who have signed contracts with Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense.» By December 2024, the number of such foreign personnel is supposedly set to increase to 70%. Propagandists assert that this decision was made to «fight corruption and increase mobilization efficiency.»

«Polish military personnel will take over mobilization in Ukraine. It is reported that the Kyiv regime plans to increase the number of Poles in TCCs to 70% by December. Ukrainian recruiters have previously been threatened with deployment to the front due to slow mobilization rates,» the video falsely claims.

Screenshot – facebook.com
Screenshot of the Медведь Telegram channel

StopFake investigated whether Ukraine had delegated mobilization to Poland. The information was false.

The video attributed to United24 is in fact a fake created by propagandists. They mimicked the platform’s design style to create another fake aimed at discrediting the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the country’s mobilization campaign. In authentic United24 videos, each video source is clearly credited. The propagandists overlooked this detail. Their fake video contains no such attribution.

Screenshot of the United24 YouTube channel
United24 X-account screenshot
Screenshot of the fake video

In addition, United24 typically uses smaller text for captions in its current informational videos that doesn’t interfere with the video content. In Russian propaganda videos, the text is much larger and more intrusive.

Comparison of fonts: fake video (left) and original video (right)
Comparison of fonts: fake video (left) and original video (right)

As expected, the video circulated by propaganda was not found on the official website of United24 or on its social media platforms, including X, Facebook and YouTube. Moreover, there are no publications about such «cooperation» between Ukraine and Poland on the websites of the Ukrainian or Polish defense ministries. The Mass Information Department of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense confirmed to StopFake that the information in the video is false.

This is not the first time that Russian propaganda has used the branding of reputable Ukrainian and foreign media to make their fakes appear credible. Previously, they tried to spread a fake video claiming that the former commander-in-chief of Ukraine’s armed forces, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, allegedly received $53 million for giving up his political ambitions in Ukraine. In this case, the propagandists used the branding of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).