A video distributed by propaganda showing a surgeon from the Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital allegedly being poured with blood for staged photos turned out to be a fake. This is evidenced by a number of inaccuracies that propagandists made during the video. In particular, the fake actor and the real surgeon have different clothes and shoes, and the pseudo-police officer wears boots that the Ukrainian police have not been using for a long time.

Kremlin media and netizens have made another attempt to absolve Russia of responsibility for the missile attack on the Okhmatdyt children’s hospital in Kyiv. This time, propaganda began spreading fake information that the Ukrainian authorities had deliberately smeared blood on the surgeon to achieve a «greater effect» among the media. As «proof», they began publishing a video showing a police officer purposely pouring blood on the surgeon’s clothes.

«Ukrainian channels published a video shot in the center of Kyiv. In the video, a Ukrainian police officer is seen pouring blood from a bag of blood on a man wearing a doctor’s coat. The doctor is an employee of the Okhmatdyt hospital, whose photos were published by the world’s largest media outlets,» Ukraine.ru writes.

The video is staged, and this is indicated by several factors that the propagandists «missed» while filming the fake.

First, the real surgeon and the actor in the video are wearing different shoes. Despite the fact that propaganda tried to find similar shoes, StopFake managed to find the difference. In one of the photos of the surgeon taken by Ukrainian journalist Kristina Berdinskykh, you can see this difference. The photo clearly shows black stripes on the sole closer to the heel, but the actor does not have them.

Secondly, the characters have different clothes. The real surgeon’s shirt clearly shows a stitched stripe on the back. But the actor couldn’t find identical clothes, so he wore a shirt without such a stripe. The situation with the pants is similar – they are also different. The real surgeon has a pocket, but the actor does not.

And the third thing that gave the propagandists away was the policeman. The Center for Countering Disinformation, which also checked the Russian news, contacted the police, who pointed out several inaccuracies. For example, they pointed out that the pseudo-police officer was wearing boots, although Ukrainian police officers are issued sneakers. According to the police, the actor also «forgot» to put on a belt system (weapon, holster, radio, first aid kit, etc.) and a helmet cover. In addition, the pseudo-police officer wore a chevron with the symbols of the National Police in violation of the rules for wearing uniforms.
Earlier, StopFake debunked the information that a Ukrainian missile, not a Russian one, hit the Okhmatdyt children’s hospital in Kyiv.