Large Russian and separatist media web-sites continue the deceptive practice of presenting anonymous blogs on free hosting services as “publications of well-known mass media”.
For example, on August 30, Russia Today published a translated anonymous post from a blog, Blauer Bote (Blue Courier), in which the writer “summarizes” an article from the Kyiv Post. The original article is about a children’s training camp of the Azov Battalion. Yet while the Kyiv Post article is neutral, the anonymous writer of the German blog deliberately and subjectively radicalizes it in his retelling. The writer also adds a collection of news stories on the speculative topic of “Ukrainian Nazis”.

Russia Today presents this loose compilation of links and anonymous opinion pieces under the headline,“Blauer Bote: Kyiv Newspaper Boasted of Hitler Youth Camps” – and, moreover, wrongly describes some of the material it contains as opinion pieces from serious German media outlets.

The website, however, offers neither contact information nor the names of the writers.
The Russia Today article was reposted by,,, news-and, among others.