Sunday, June 30, 2024

Manipulation: Polish and British Special Forces Have Been Fighting in Ukraine Since The Very...

We are talking about training and counseling of the Ukrainian military, which took place long before Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. As for the...

Manipulation: Ukraine to Refuse Western Arms Due to Supply Difficulties – WSJ

The WSJ article did not claim that Ukraine refused Western weapons precisely because of "supply difficulties", it is all a propaganda manipulation in order...

Fake: Ukraine Recognizes a Person With One Leg As Fit for Military Service

A person with an amputated leg was never considered fit for military service. According to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, a person with a diagnosis...

Decoding FIMI targeting LGBTIQ+ people

By EUvsDisinfo Russia’s Supreme Court recently upheld a claim by the Ministry of Justice, branding the “international LGBT public movement” “extremist,” and banning its activities...

Dangerous hopes

By Stanislaw Żaryn, for StopFake Media around the world increasingly wonder about Vladimir Putin's health and well-being.Commentators write about his alleged illnesses and sometimes even...

Fake: Ukraine Arrests and Tortures American Blogger Gonzalo Lira “For Criticizing Zelenskyi” 

Blogger Gonzalo Lira is in custody not for criticizing Volodymyr Zelenskyi, but for violating Article 436-2 of Ukraine’s Criminal Code — justifying Russian aggression...

Fake: Ukrainian Government Tried to Sell Scythian Gold at Sotheby’s – Bloomberg

This news is fake, and the story of the attempted sale of Scythian gold is made up. Bloomberg did not publish such stories either...

Video Fake: Ukrainian Military Leaving Their Positions in Bilohorivka

The video was most likely edited. There is a discrepancy between the facial expressions of the man and the words he is saying. In...

Fake: German Defense Minister Refuses to Consider Ukraine an Ally

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius did not say that Ukraine is not an ally of Germany. In an interview with the German TV channel...

Crocodile tears, deflection, and projection

By EU vs Disinfo The Kremlin’s disinformation pundits seek the spotlight to recycle old narratives about the West threatening global security and stability in a...